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How Should You Be Storing Your Skin Care?

Put your best face forward

You pay all this money for good skincare, you want to look after it right? Well, today we are chatting all things makeup and skincare STORAGE! #whatavibe 

Whether you have all the gear and no idea, or you’re just starting out on your skincare journey and want to ensure your investment is well protected - we’ve got your back! 

So, how do we best store our skincare products to maximise their shelf life? Let’s find out! 

Out of the heat

Whether it’s one of our skin treats, a mask or a cleanser - you always want to ensure you store your skincare under the 30-degree mark. The best option is to keep your products at room temperature in a drawer or cupboard so they are protected from the elements.  

Care for those with active ingredients 

Keep these ones out of the sun! 

Direct sunlight can actually speed up the breakdown of active ingredients in your skincare, so it becomes really important when using products like our Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum or our Pomegranate Brightening Serum as these contain active ingredients that can become compromised when stored in direct sunlight.  

Skincare/Beauty fridge 

Although this is not necessary for the storage of our skincare - it is a bonus option! 

Using a skincare fridge is a great way to ensure a consistent temperature regulation of your products, maintaining the beneficial ingredients in the product as well as extending its shelf life. 

What products can be stored in the fridge? 

Any of our water-based skin treats can be stored in the fridge, like our Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum or Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie.  

Our gel-based masks are also great to be kept cool - our favourites being the Anti-inflammation Mint Gel Booster Mask (perfect for after the beach or pool day to cool off the skin) or the Anti-Ageing Gel Booster Mask. 

The best thing about keeping these refrigerated is the cooling effect they will have on your skin on application - think post long day at work pamper night vibes #yyaassss  

One product that we like to recommend you keep in your skincare fridge, or your good old kitchen fridge, is our Skin Snack Face Mist. Keeping this one refrigerated is a great way to reap the refreshing benefits this particular product has to offer. You can then chuck it in your beach bag as you head out for the day, and use it as a little refreshing hit of hydration on the go! 

Remember 💡

Out of direct sunlight, away and protected at room temperature. And if you want to treat yourself to one of those cute bench-top skincare or beauty fridges, you go glen coco and watch your products live out their best life! 

Not sure what products would be best suited for your skin? Make sure to reach out to our Skin Service Team for your FREE skin consultation!